Leaving The City

Closing the door behind him Azreal stopped and took a deep breath, calming himself down he walked over to Xavious' room.

Not bothering to knock he just walked right in, when he entered he didn't see Xavious at first looking around the room he saw Xavious coming out of the shadows.

"Normally you'd knock when entering some else's room this late at night unless..." Xavious looked at Azreal's serious express and gasped like a surprised lady putting his hand over his mouth and batting his eyes lids, "Please be gentle with me mister this is my first time" his voice took on a higher more effeminate tone.

"We need to leave, Grab your stuff"

"What? Why what happened? And I'm already dressed"

"They think we killed Kakar"

Gritting his gum Xavious nodded.

"Are they stupid how could they think that?"

"I didn't ask let's go"

"Shit! Fuck! Why has my life been going to shit since I met you!"

Ignoring him Azreal started heading for the door, when he noticed that Xavious wasn't following him he stopped and turned around.

"What is it?"

"That thing you do with the dead you can't do it around people, if word starts spreading then this entire realm would hunt you down, we are the children of Mother Nature"

"It doesn't affect you so why worry? Besides you don't seem to care"

"Of course it affects me if they hunt you down do you think they're gonna let me go? Beside my people have long since been abandoned by the mother"

"Let's go"

Azreal didn't ask what he meant since he didn't care and they needed to leave, stepping out of the room he was surprised to see a guard since he didn't see any there before.

"I'm sorry sir but no one is allowed to wander around the residence once it's gotten to—"


Azreal punched the guard in the stomach twisting up his armor before he could finish speaking.

He'd chosen to knock him out since killing his would only lead to more problems.

Just as he'd knocked out that guard another one was walking over when he saw what happened he quickly took out a silent whistle and blew it while running away.

"Shit let's go!"

Xavious saw what happened but the guard was too far away for him to do anything and he'd already blow on the whistle before Azreal saw him so doing anything now would just be pointless.

Gritting his teeth Azreal decided not to go through the door but instead the window, when they jumped out all they saw was a sea of golden armored guards.

When he landed he couldn't help but force a smile, Xavious, on the other hand, stepped back slightly making Azreal the vanguard.

Just as they came down the guard ran back into the group of soldiers.

Fabian stood at the front of the group fully armored.

"Where are you going? I'm sure the soldiers upstairs told you we don't allow anyone to wander around the compound after a certain time before you knocked him out that is" Fabian looked cocky as he spoke with a small smile.

"These many soldiers just for leaving my room? kinda seems like you guys were waiting for me" Azreal didn't feel like joking around after what happened with Nala, so he wasn't in the mood for Fabian's crap but he couldn't just kill him either.

"Yea just in case, the guilty always try to run and all signs point to you being guilty now look, I was right, surround them"

All the soldiers moved in and formed a circle around Azreal and Xavious.

"Shit! Shit! Shit! Ever since I fucking met you!" Xavious was only getting angrier and angrier it was just one shit storm after the other.

"Not that we're guilty but I said it from the first day, I wouldn't be staying long"

"You can either come with us or we take you, you're choice"

Sucking in a mouth full of air Azreal summoned both scythes "Hmmm no I'm leaving you can either move or get cut down"

The dark bloodthirsty aura coming from Azazel was even stronger than before with the addition of the three brothers, subconsciously the soldiers all took a few steps backward.

As Fabian stepped back he subconsciously looked over at Azazel, it was almost as if he could see the fiendish aura surrounding it, recovering from his subconscious action he could feel the soldiers looking down on him.

"Capture them!" Fabian shouted in anger.

Getting over their fear the soldiers moved forward in unison, weapons brandished.

Azreal didn't immediately make any movement to attack since he needed to see if there were any dangers hidden in the crowd, he didn't believe that Fabian would only be protected by these weaklings.

Taking a deep breath Azreal released his aura of a level two beast king!

Without exception every one of the soldiers fell to their knees no matter how they struggled none of them stood, they couldn't fight their natural instincts.

Fabian, on the other hand, refused to bow and stood, the pressure he felt was obvious, he felt like he was holding the world on his shoulder.

But eventually, he couldn't hold out any longer, puking up a mouthful of blood he fell down flat on his stomach gritting his teeth he stared at Azreal.

"Young Master!"

"You'll pay for this shit-head!"

"Your whole family will share in the cost of your mistake!!"

Azreal, on the other hand, paid him no mind, walking forward he held on to both scythes just in case anything unexpected happened.

When he got in front of Fabian he stopped and looked down on him, Fabian felt his skin crawl as Azazel was right next to his face, he didn't know if it was an illusion or what but it felt like he could hear screams of agony coming from it, looking up at Azreal he almost shit himself, Azreal's grey eyes were cold and unforgiving filled with boundless killing intent all of it directed at him.

"The gap between isn't something you can bridge just because you have a rich father, know your level and stick to it"

Saying that Azreal walked away with Xavious behind him, if he couldn't kill him he'd crush him.