
Looking down on the damage he'd just done Kakar deactivated bloodlust, when he did his entire body slouched, his skin paled and his breathing turned heavy.

Turning he looked over in the direction three left in ready to go over to where Azreal is.

Just as he was about to move off he saw a shadow move in front of him but in the state he'd just entered he couldn't react fast enough.


Gigs rammed his armored spike covered fist in Kakar's chest ripping out his heart, as Kakar's eyes started losing its color the shock in it didn't fade.

How was Gigs still alive?!

At the moment when the last drop of energy left his body, he didn't receive an answer to his question.

Gigs was barely in a better condition than Kakar, if not worst, he only had three of his six arms remaining the other three were blow off at the joints, covering the wound with webs he was able to stop the bleeding.

His entire body was mangled only a few patches of his previous armor remained, he didn't want to immediately rush in search of the three brothers but if no one had noticed the fight before after Kakar's giant ball of lighting they definitely would've noticed.

Even though weakened his speed wasn't something that could be compared with the three brothers.

Once he rushed over he was surprised to see Azreal and Xavious standing around talking while the bodies of the three brothers were lying around on the floor.

'Did he do this?' Gigs squinted his eyes and stared at Azreal who had both scythes in his hands.

Although weakened a beast king couldn't stop him he came here for those bones and he was going to get those bones.

The moment he stepped forward he froze unlike brother one, two and three the moment he stepped into the range of the domain he could feel his strength being drained and he didn't even have much remaining already.

When Azreal saw him and how weak he looked he instantly activated [Purple Inferno] his entire body was covered in the fire, he didn't know if he could win but if he went all out and make sure everything he did was big he could get the attention of those up top.

Besides, how could no one have noticed from before?

When the thought crossed his mind he clenched his brows, just the fact that Gigs was here meant that Kakar was either dead, beaten or ran off and based on how Kakar behaves it probably the first two.

Standing a distance away Gigs didn't rush forward, instead shot out some web to collect the three bodies and ran off like he was chased.

Fighting would be a bad bet for him, just him feeling like he was losing his strength when he got in close was enough of for him to back off not to mention the fire—that was rare for warbeasts— and whatever else Azreal might have.

The moment he broke the water surface the first thing he saw was the dead bodies of the guards but didn't pay attention to them he just ran off, the few guys that came with him didn't fall behind.

Watching Gigs leave Azreal releases a deep breath, releasing the inferno and the domain.

"Let's go"

"He's probably dead you know" although Xavious said that he still followed behind Azreal curious about how Kakar died.

When they got to the site of the fight they were stunned by the destruction, almost everything in the vicinity was destroyed.

The only thing that was barely standing was a wall of web but in front of it was about thirty more that were destroyed they could only see what remained of the base.

Looking around Azreal found Kakar's body with a huge hole in his chest, his heart nowhere to be seen.

Taking a deep breath Azreal tossed the scythes back in the space ring and grabbed his body, using his hand to gently close his eyes.

He wasn't really sure how to feel Kakar wasn't really someone he would consider a friend or even someone he was close to but still if it wasn't for him he'd probably be dead or something.


What the fuck was he supposed to do now?

Thinking it happened and seeing it in front of you were two completely different things.

Xavious wasn't sure what he should say or do, all he could do was stand aside and watch.

Swimming up to the surface Azreal and Xavious received another surprise when they saw all the guards dead.

Before they could make sense of what happened a lion appeared by the side of the lake wear armor similar to what Kakar wore.

When he saw all the dead bodies plus Xavious and Azreal holding onto Kakar's lifeless body he sighed—which was odd because it seemed to contain more stress than pain— and looked to see if anybody else was there.

"First that city of barbarians gets wiped out and now this shit, why me?"