Bone Training

"The bones? I was hoping you'd forget about them for now hahaha"

Azreal didn't say anything just waited for him to explain.

"Sigh, I want to use the bones to make armor as well as a weapon, the weapon I have now is pretty good but their's nothing special about it, if I can get a smith to break down the bones and make armor out of it that would give me a huge boost in power" Xavious spoke in a dejected voice.

"So what's the problem?" Azreal asked after detecting the tone in which he spoke.

"There are a lot! First, it's a taboo to disturb the rest for the dead so very few will be willing to work with it, second since we found those bones in a tomb and it had a core it could at the very least be a Sub-Legendary warbeasts while it was alive!" Speaking up to here Xavious stopped and sighed before he continued.

"Do you know how strong the smith would have to be to make my armor and weapon? And warbeasts who are that strong wouldn't be willing to do something like that to the bones of someone who was on their level and by some miracle, if they are willing....the cost.....the cost"

Azreal nodded his head in thought for a moment.

"Bone armor? Sub-Legendary Beast?" Kakar had mentioned legendary beast before but he hadn't explained anything about it so sub legendary beast would be the rank before legendary?

"Yea armor like what Nala had but hers should be made from the bones of a Beast King, and yea Sub-Legendary Beast" Xavious was totally flat as he spoke he lacked any an all emotion.

'So that's why her armor seemed so special'

"I meant what is a sub legendary beast!" Azreal's voice contained a bit of anger in it but Xavious paid it no mind he was far too dejected to care.

"Its what comes after the emperor rank, that's when we warbeasts develop core and can start shooting fire out of out ass pew! pew! pew!"

Again the anger Azreal was feeling increased a little but he didn't take any of Xavious' feeling into consideration he just wanted to know what he wanted to know.

"So what's so special about the bone armor?"

Xavious didn't immediately answer but instead looked up at Azreal flabbergasted, he had to have realized that talking about the bones was what put him in this mood yet he was still asking about them? Was he really this dense or just an asshole?


"It's one of the faster routes to the top, it places a ton of pressure on the body so it's one way of forcing it to move forward, even at the emperor rank you wouldn't be able to wear it for more than two days at a time before your body collapses under the pressure, for someone like me who treasures his life this is way safer, I wear the armor for a few minutes a day until I'm at my limit and It'd be the equivalent of me fighting with my life on the line, as I go forward I can wear it for longer which means faster advancement, and if the day ever comes where I'm able to become a sub legendary beast that's when it'll truly become armor, it'll be like having a second set of skin, as for the weapon it's the same wielding something that's far stronger will force my technique to move forward"

Xavious sounded incredibly sad as he spoke, even sadder when he mentioned sub legendary beast but Azreal on the other hand, his eyes were glowing!

This was what he needed! His body was clearly that of a warbeasts now —how or why he didn't care— so why not train like one!

Using something like this to train and in four months he really could come back for Nala and since unlike most warbeasts, his body had energy so his recovery time was bound to be faster than theirs so he's sure to be able to advance faster too!

But how was he going to get another set of bones?

Wait why get another set of bones? He wouldn't be so terrible and take the bones for himself —he would— instead they could share since Xavious could only use it for at most a few minutes a day he could use it the rest of the time.

"And we could find a black Smith in the capital?"

Instantly xavious looked up, Azreal's voice didn't sound like its usual nonchalant self instead now he could hear the excitement in it and the word 'we' gave him a bad feeling.

"We? And...yes..."

"Yes we, you'll only be able to use it for a few minutes and me the rest of the time and besides the stronger I am the less danger you'll be in plus you don't have much of a choice" Azreal tapped his own chest as a sign to Xavious as he reverted back to his usual nonchalant tone.

Xavious didn't let his anger show on his face but he was fuming, this thing on his chest must be some kind of curse for the sins of his ancestors!

Not for one second did he believe that less danger would come as Azreal got stronger, he's been in a heap of shit since they met and he knew it wasn't going to get any better.

Taking several deep breaths to calm himself Xavious closed his eyes and went off to sleep.