Love, Madness & Betrayal 3

Pausing for a second Azreal couldn't help but take a deep breath.

To cover the entire realm in darkness and almost releasing a bunch of monsters in just a moment without even trying.

Is Death really that powerful?

And the brother without the least bit of effort he was able to cleanse all of that darkness.

Thinking of his own ability and theirs he felt like he was a speck of dust on the ground while they were like stars in the sky.

He couldn't help but wonder if the old man was this power, the feeling of being a spec increased, taking a deep breath he comforted himself with the lie that he didn't want to make any assumptions.

Still, that didn't make him feel down, it was just a thought that comforted him at the moment nothing else.

Turning back his attention to the book, there was; what Azreal assumed to be a time skip of a few years.

Standing in a gallery in his father's house Dante stood and stared at a painting that didn't seem to stay still it kept shifting almost like it was telling a story but it never kept and image for more than a fraction of a second and never repeated any of the images.

After who knows how long death walked in, speaking in a nonchalant tone.

"If you'd ever listened to any of my lessons you wouldn't be trying to figure it out"

Hearing the voice Dante turned around with a beaming smile, clear joy in his tone as he spoke.

"Father! Is this really what you want to say to your son after not seeing him for long"

As he spoke he walked over to Maseru hugging him tightly, in turn, Maseru hugged him just as tightly.

As they released each other Maseru looked down on Dante's fingers.

On each of his fingers were ten different rings, each ring had a design unique to itself, adorned by a piece of jewelry equally as unique adorning it.

The green ring that was on his left index finger was particularly as catching as it released a gentle hum and glow.

"It seems your learning a lot"

Looking down at his rings Dante smiled but didn't respond to the statement.

"Mother seems to be getting stronger"

Death didn't respond only smiling in response, Dante couldn't help laugh when he saw his father's lack of response.

"One day you'll tell me"

"Why did you come to visit"

For the first time, the smile faded of Dante's face for a moment as if he was contemplating something but returned it shortly after full of confidence.

"I believe I'm ready now"

Dante looked straight into his fathers' eyes.

For the first time in a while, Maseru cracked a genuine smile while nodding.

"You sure took your time"

"I had to be sure"

Death smile broadened a bit more.

"Have you chosen an affinity to become a named?"

Just as Dante was about to respond to the grey colored gem on one of his rings started glowing slightly.

Immediately after his smile faded.

"Father I have to go"

Right after saying that his body faded away instantly, leaving only a tiny glowing orb, sighing Maseru left the room leaving the tiny orb behind


Stopping there Azreal started flipping ahead through the book.

It was pretty clear that Death and Dante were talking about Dante's advancement to Named True God.

He wanted to flip ahead to see if Death told him later on, Death had asked if Dante had chosen his affinity but earlier Darius described it as a process that you didn't really have much control over.

So if there was a method where he'd have a choice in the matter wouldn't that be better?

Yes, he was far from using the possible method himself but it wouldn't hurt having the knowledge.




Azreal hadn't skipped a few pages before a gently knocking came from the desk he was using, looking up Azreal saw his guide had returned.

"It's almost time for the feast, would you like me to show you to your room so you can get a change of clothes?"

Looking at his clothes they weren't exactly appropriate but he didn't want to leave just yet, thinking he read his thoughts his guide continued.

"You can bring books with you if you like"

Smiling Azreal bent the page mark where he'd stopped read before following his guide.


Stepping into the room Azreal was amazed by its simplicity, everything in there was obviously super expensive just based on the same details placed into every.

Before leaving his guide showed him the closet and bathroom as well as a bell he could ring if he needed any assistance.

"I will be back for you once the feast has begun"

Saying that he closed the door behind him.

Putting the books on bed Azreal took a quick shower, rubbing his hands along the scales was something he didn't think he'd get used to.

Stepping back into the room he didn't feel like what he was wear before was appropriate so he went over to the closet the guide had shown him.

Everything in the closet looked completely different from what he expected.

They were too—flamboyant!

Everything in the closet was bright colors, there wasn't anything simple about any of them, the only good thing is that they weren't bedazzled with jewelry, in fact, none of them had on any jewels.

Looking back at what he was wearing this was a clear upgrade but they were just too bright!

Sighing, he could only take out the least bedazzled one.

Looking at the contrast between him and the room he couldn't help but sigh.

Wearing a knee-length cream and gold angrakha filled with symmetrical designs that resemble henna tattoos and bright red pants almost burgundy underneath. [1]

Azreal couldn't find any shoes but thinking back he didn't remember seeing anyone wearing any.



After two knocks the guide slowly stepped into the room when he looked at Azreal he smiled.

Stepping into the room, he walked over to Azreal and slightly adjusted his clothes.

"Very nice, almost everyone has already arrived, let's go"