
And if he is a half breed would the rankings of the dragons apply to him?

But he didn't want to ask that now maybe later on, taking a deep breath in his mind Azreal calmed himself.

"I want the bone armor"

"You'd like me to make one for you?" The lion asked almost right after with a slightly puzzled tone.

The question made Azreal pause his tone didn't sound like it was impossible, he didn't even pause to think.

Feeling a lot calm Azreal completely relaxed his mind but didn't let down his guard.


"Where do you intend to get the bone of such mighty creatures, they don't just sit around waiting for some to pick them up"

Once again Azreal felt nervous, wondering if the lion was up to something, even though he said he wasn't raised with dragons he seemed too calm about something that should be taboo all across this continent.

Slightly clenching his fist ready to go all out and engulf himself in the purple inferno as a form a shield to escape, he spoke again.

"I already have a skeleton"

When Azreal said that a huge smile broke on the lions face that almost looked sinister because of his fang-like teeth.

The smile, however, vanished almost as soon as it appeared and his face once again returned to its usual resting happy face.

"It will be hard to find a blacksmith but if that is what you want as your present then sure, you can go retrieve the skeleton and bring it to me before you leave, or if it too far I can send someone to get it for you"

Azreal didn't reply immediately the smile that the lion just showed left him completely frozen, the aura that leaked out for a split second nearly made his soul want to run from his body.

Also, he would send someone to retrieve it? Where there really so many warbeast that shared the same thoughts as him?

The worst part for Azreal was the smile, it didn't look like he had any thought about stealing the skeleton, instead, it looked more like he was kind of reminiscing?

Calming himself down after a second Azreal answered.

"I'll go get it myself"

The lion only nodded with his resting happy face.

With that out of the way Azreal sighed and went back to the question he previously thought of would there be a different ranking for half breeds, with that thought another one popped up, what is his name?

"Nawai and Eru told me about the ranking of dragons, based on how you speak you seem to be a half lion half-dragon? If so where would you fall on the ranking, also what should I call you?"

The lion laughed a little at how blunt Azreal was before answering.

"My name is Bakra and yes I am one of the many half-dragons"

After saying that Bakra paused and release a deep exhausted breath before answering the other part of Azreals question.

"Yes, green, blue, silver, black. If it's a competition of strength black dragons are of course superior but there are too many factors that affect a real battle, so that ranking is useless we each have unique gifts and traits that balance everything out, even a mighty kingdom, the ruler and the peasants are equal, if the peasants will it then that ruler will die and if the ruler wills it the peasants will die, each living carefully not to incur the wrath of the other, so by far black dragons are the strongest in terms of raw power but it can still be killed by a green dragon who has the weakest offensive power among dragons"

Bakra paused there for a moment to let his words sink in.

"So there should be no ranking we are all dragons, I've seen a half breed gone toe to toe with a black dragon and I've also seen a black dragon crush a half breed, it's all relative"

It took Azreal a second to fully absorb the slightly contradicting information, it was clear that some warbeast had natural advantages but at the same time it didn't make them impossible to beat but saying everything was equal seemed strange.

Wouldn't that mean that even the mightiest of warbeast had to be careful to some degree? Or was he taking what Bakra said too literal?

Azreal was about to follow up and voice his concern as well as ask Bakra if this is where he grew up since he had the same name as the city, but before he could a dragon that had pale blue scales, shaped like perfectly carved diamonds walked over.

As soon as he did all the noise in the surrounding area flooded in, almost like the 'bubble' they were in just popped.