Hit The Road, Jack! : Hit the Jackpot!

- Jack Hooligan. Is it you?

Hahah. Yeah, it's me!

But, what now?

Everyone else received weird stuff as jobs!

I thought we were going to be playing the game, like, I don't know, as testers or something?

But this is the real deal, isn't it?


Everyone else was, like "you will be the guild master", "you will be the demon lord", "you will be the seraphim…". Are we the NPC's ?!!

And everyone here is a high-grading NPC as well…

Could it be that i… hit the jackpot on my first try ?!

- Well, Jack is it… we didn't meant to give this kind of job to someone with a curriculum like yours but… for some reasons, we did. Even if, thinking about it, you may be actually good at it, given your instincts and so on.

What is it?

Are you going to make me a King ? Or a reclusive noble? Anything that lets me just laze around all day would be great!

- You will be the Dragon King.

… eh?

I mean, nice, dragons but…

Don't they have to hunt for food?

And build their own homes?

And hoard treasure and stuff?!


No… please, no… give me a job as a corrupt noble or something, please…

I might cry like this, you know…

- I see you are quite surprised, but we came to the conclusion that this would be the best job for you, since the Dragon King is a Max Level Party Quest MOB, you will have minimum work to do. You just need to find yourself a den, hunt sometimes to eat and then keep quiet.

[ - Wait. A moment please.]

I raised my hand.

- Yes ?

[- Can… can I have some kind of entertainment or something like that? I mean, if I'm going to be alone on my house all day, I might get bored and...]

- Oh, don't worry, you will have plenty of entertainment.

[ - Really?!]

- Of course. Another World is a place were your mind is placed on an artificial body after all. You will have all the sensations and senses of a Dragon King, and that includes the urge to plunder treasure. While logged in Another World you will surely feel an unstoppable desire to get as much gold, gems and so on as possible. Shouldn't this provide you with enough entertainment for years?

Ha…. I might cry for real this time, you know…

- So, now that this is explained, please remember what Shabe said about the NPC's do and don'ts. I cannot reinforce how extremely important it is for you to follow the whole list.

[- The… whole list you say?]

- Obviously. Now, the time of introduction has ended, so if you might..

The Samanta woman showed me a door to my left, so I just went there.

I guess I can talk to other people later, so they will tell me what are those NPC's do and don'ts…

Yeah, it will be easy. I just need to find someone else who's also an NPC like me!