Hit the Road, Jack: Hit Wanting To Do Something!

[-aaaah… damnit maaan!]

Jack rolled restlessly on his treasure vault.

- What is it hon?

As for Elicia, she enjoyed herself by melting some of the raw gold around and then chewing on the rubbery liquid she would get afterwards.

Jacks' punishment for his fooling around had been to share his treasure with Elicia. Now what was his was also hers, but what was hers wasn't his!

Jack felt like crying every time he looked at how his wife appreciated his gold piles. Thankfully, allowing her access to his vault was more of a proof of love than something like greed overcoming sadness.

After all, managing to repress his instincts to such level was only thanks to his determination to grind enough levels to overcome his difficulties.

He had even managed to train for three hours a day, instead of just two, and so, advanced enough to be able to let her have some fun with his blink - as long as the treasure never left the vault, of course.

[- I want to do a think!]

Elicia raised her brows.

- So… do it?

[- But I don't want to!]

- *sigh* Don't do it then…

Jack kept rolling on his bed for a bit, and then started to stare at the ceiling.

[- I wanted to get a bunch of people together and chat about player magic with them! And I want them to pay me!]

- Well, find a suitable theme then. Something like Shabes' Will?

Jack and Elicia could access the old User Interface through their own powers and positions in the world - however, that wasn't all. With a little deeper concentration and focus, it would become possible to, little by little, enter higher stages of command over the world.

It was like getting Moderation, Administration or even Deep Code permissions. That was called Shabes' Will. Jack was fascinated with that, since this kind of thing became stronger the more one progressed on the knowledge and absorption of the code itself.

As long as someone upped their levels and stats to a high enough degree, they would be able to start seeing, and then influencing, the Code.

It seemed to have something to do with the amount of Fairy Dust which was in contact with ones' mind, so, it was no surprise for those highly-magical, top-level existences like he and Elicia to be able to do so on instinct - even if both of them, and Jack himself, had some trouble dealing with the code.

None were programmers, after all.

[- Maybe. Do you think we would have anyone who's interested? I'm no programmer after all… at best I could teach them little tricks or something? Like how to access ones' configuration setup?]

- That would CERTAINLY bring in a lot of people. You should do it.

Through the configuration menu, people could do a lot of things - like changing their graphics preferences.

It would seem weird, but they were former players, after all. Changing the HUDs' or the Graphics Brightness was a major headache for those who had barely enough levels to access the User Interface - and a huge source of headaches for those who couldn't do it at all.

- By the way, how about charging for changing peoples' configurations yourself hon? Or maybe for allocating their stats for them? You could make a lot of mana with that.

[- Meeeeh….]

Jack rested his chin on his paws, and then began rolling on the gold again.

Elicia felt like that her liver was particularly sensitive to Jacks' laziness these days, as it hurt a little.

'Must be because of the whole Squirrel thing.' - Then again, molten gold powder was one of the best drinks to help alleviate a dragons' anger, so she just took a good gulp and released a small 'phew' sound afterwards.

As for Jacks' lessons on Shabes' Will, he decided to implement them later that day. And then, later that week after that.