Yellow ?

Deandra munch her Subway sandwich slowly, trying hard to make the time stop so that she can spend more time with Rayyan.

While Rayyan absorb with his note for their final examination in 2 weeks, Deandra stare at Rayyan. Today he wearing a simple t-shirt from polo, just like his car the tee color is yellow, wearing a Levi's jeans trouser that they bought together last year.

All the sudden she remember how they spend almost 3 hours to find her jeans just to match with Rayyan, after a long walk she just give up and told Rayyan that she will start diet and come again to buy the jeans, unfortunately the diet only last for 3 weeks. Despite her strict diet and work out she only lost 5 kilos, so she give up halfway. Why bother diet when this world full of good food.

"Am I that handsome today? You look at me like a tiger waiting for his prey." Rayyan chuckle. Deandra so focus at Rayyan that she didn't realize she look at him more than half an hour.

"Ceh, I'm savoring this sandwich, not stare at you, don't be so nonsense honey". Deandra try to hide the embarrassment.

Rayyan felt so good when she called him honey. He smile to her and said "Well your honey is wearing yellow tee, don't you think he look good today?".

"Nope he look like bee, the color is strong I almost blind by it, why you so obsessed with yellow by the way? From car, tee everything come in yellow, are you addicted to jaundice heh babe?. Deandra ask while laugh.

"What the heck is jaundice? Because yellow has it own charm, only people with good eyes will see the charm that yellow color hold". Rayyan talk with confidence face.

"I don't think so, before this I read from a magazine it say that a person who like yellow, most likely love to have sex and have a strong desire in sex things". Deandra say it with some seriousness on her face.