
After stuck with jammed almost 1 hour due to car accident they arrive at Deandra residence, before going out Deandra tap at Rayyan shoulder as she saw Rayyan keep silent and not outer any words. "See you tomorrow dude." Deandra smile as she speaks.

"Okay, see you tomorrow." Rayyan reply gloomily.

Usually Rayyan will wait until Deandra enter her residence everytime they hangout together, but not today, he left as soon as Deandra out from his car. Deandra don't know what she did wrong so she just casually enters the residence without much thinking.

Inside the residence, after shower, Deandra slam her body to the bed, she tired, but cannot sleep at all, she pick her phone then scroll her Facebook page, nothing special, only an update from friends about upcoming final exam, some update they got clash with their partner and etc.

Suddenly someone enter her room, "hey, how your date? Any progress?" its Zetty, she already become her roommate for 2 years, she know all Deandra difficulty, every time Deandra got money problem, love conflicts, or miserable day, Zetty always help her, she cannot ask for more, Zetty is her best friend that know all about her up and down in life.

"As usual, nothing dirty happen, if that you mean by asking any progress." Deandra chuckle.

"How come nothings happen? You should know by now you guys at least have something in progress right? You only get less than 1 month until both of you finish your study here. You sure got snail on your brain, really slow in making your crush turn into your partner." Zetty sigh.

"Easy to say, hard to make it happen." Deandra reply as she low her head.

"How come someone like you doesn't have courage to tell your feeling? Go for it baby, your confident cover your flaw so perfectly, why you should think about it over and over again. Told him your feeling, if he accept then it's a bonus for you, if don't, you got nothing to lose, you will not see him anymore after you leave this college right." Zetty words seem make sense.

"I will think about it later, as for now I should focus on my final exam and assignment, I want to graduate on time, if I get any paper to repeat, and extend semester, it absolutely complete my ugly life. Stupid, fat, ugly and forever alone. What a great combination right? Deandra replys left Zetty to pit of hell.