Two works

Deandra still remember, the day Rayyan not reply her text message she instantly blocked Rayyan number. This way maybe she can forget Rayyan entirely and get rid him from her mind.

Rayyan quickly reply Deandra text after his phone is fully charge, he go to McDonald who located 30km from his home just to charge his phone. But after waiting for 3 hours at McDonald Deandra not reply his text back.

Rayyan head back to his home, he drive slowly, so slow that a 40mins journey takes him 2 hours to arrive at his home.

He so knock out and sleep instantly after enters his room. He miss Deandra so much, even when he know that Deandra must be really happy with Shahir now, he still hope Deandra will left Shahir after knowing what Shahir do behind her back.

But he still doesn't have gut to tell Deandra about what he saw. He even hangs out only with men, and rejected any offer from his female friends to hangs out together. He want to stay loyal to Deandra even when he hear rumors that people thought he was a gay.

Who care what people say about him, all matters is his loyalty to Deandra. He always fantasies that one day he will get married with Deandra have a small happy family and stay at small house at outskirt, but he fantasies only can be create in his mind but not in real life.

To be honest actually a week after he send Deandra at terminal, Rayyan already a wedding dress and suit, also he order a couple rings, a beautiful rings that he personalize design it.

He want to prepared it early, in case Deandra break with Shahir, he will instantly go to Deandra and proposed Deandra, he not ready to lost Deandra to other man's hand once again.


Deandra get herself a motorcycle, since she not really into car, so motorcycle is the best choice to go around.

After finish her work she will ride her motorcycle and go to nearby night market to do another job, working one job is never enough, she need to do another job to bring back food to the table.

She will finish her second job around 12am and arrive home around 1am. She already doing this for about 6 months. The reason for her no rest attitude not only about money, it's also her way to not thinking about Rayyan, keep herself busy really worked, for this past 6 month after she knew Rayyan is gay, not even once she thinking about him.