Devilish Mother


A group of thirty-odd children and elders gathered around a smooth tear-drop shaped ship, with a cone-shaped front; at the back of the ship essence thrusters had been placed in a nine by nine formation, these thrusters were formed by the finest propulsion runic formations that the Ethereal Grotto Sect could provide.

The airship itself was around five hundred metres in length, with a hundred-metre diameter; this ship was in fact much smaller than the average boat that is used within the Augustin world. Unlike warships, this ship was designed for speed and manoeuvrability, if moving at full velocity it could run at a heaven-defying million kilometres a day. Alas, this rate of movement is not long lasting as the essence gathering array formations around the thrusters would not be able to keep up the required essence absorption to allow the thrusters to continue.

An ethereal mist enclosed the tear-drop shaped ship, giving it a mythical feeling. If any member of the Augustin world saw this ship, they would go pale in fright. Even emperors of million-year-old Dynasties would come rushing with recherché gifts to curry favour with the passengers of the ship; more specifically the Ethereal Grotto Sect members.

Legends of the Ethereal Grotto Sect members are spread far and wide within the Augustin World, unlike the other three Holy Lands that are much more open to worldly matters – the three Holy Lands have many branch sects within the thousands of dynasties in the world – the Ethereal Grotto is much more reclusive. Many emperors would often go their entire lives not catching a glimpse of the elegant Ethereal Grotto, but within their historical annals, there are stories of the elegance of its members and their frightful combat strength. Although the number of members within the Ethereal Grotto are incomparably small compared to the other three Holy Lands, their individual combat strength is overwhelming.

"Alright children, during this month-long trip to Mt. Evanescent, I want you to whole-heartedly train in your martial arts and practice cultivation. I want you all to be in your optimum conditions and spread the elegance of our sect far-and-wide. I have just received information from our informants out in the secular world, that the other three Holy Lands have allowed geniuses from their subsidiary empires to take part," Patriarch Cestra solemnly informed the young disciples, all under the age of seven.

"There will be many more people eying the proceedings at Mt. Evanescent than I first anticipated, old ancestors of the various dynasties will also be joining the myriad people spectating. They are not to be looked down upon or disrespected. Although they are not part of any Holy Land, their dynasties and sects are still not to be underestimated,"

"As is tradition, your parents and/or masters will travel with you to Mt. Evanescent as both protection and support."

Patriarch Cestra's gazed landed on his pride-and-joy, his son, Astrallis. "I hope all of you will give us genuine surprises. That is enough talk for now, please embark the Elysian."


Within a celestial looking realm, with beautiful flora and fauna, a child – tall for his age – with long golden surreal hair was performing a set of martial arts in an ethereal like manner.

This child was naturally Astrallis, each room within the Elysian has been made into its own small realm by the artificers of the Ethereal Grotto Sect.

Astrallis punched out, sending his golden Qi bursting out in a wave-like manner in front of himself, he then pivoted on his left-foot and threw a flying kick to his right. He fleeted around the realm, like an angelic seraph.

"Not enough," A cold voice barked out, surprisingly from the celestial-looking Jasmine - Astrallis' mother.

"Come, attack me." Her cold-eyes piercing Astrallis', making him flinch.

"My son is not a coward, I haven't raised a wimp, have I?" Jasmine mocked.

Infuriated, Astrallis lashed out with both hands towards Jasmine's chest which she easily deflected with her right hand, which she followed through with and knocked Astrallis on to the ground, rolling many metres.

As soon as Astraillis stumbled to his feet a swift kick to his chest sending him in the direction of a lake, skipping along, like a stone on liquid, he landed on the shore of the other side of the body of water.

Blood leaking from his lips, he looked with rage-filled eyes towards his mother; all memories of the altruistic gentle mother vanishing.

"Astrallis! You must always be aware of your surroundings. Even if you get knocked down, you must be thinking two steps ahead. You cannot fight with a rage-filled mind, only the clear-headed will win," Sternly said, Jasmine.

"Now, show me your strongest attack. I will only use Qi from the first stage of the Qi-Gathering Realm".

Astrallis gently placated his rising anger, and slowed down his erratic breathing, bringing his hands together and performing a set of hand movements, a long golden light began to coalesce in front of him.

A meter-long golden sword made of Qi manifested in front of himself, ethereal in nature and with no real definition, he gently gripped the hilt raising it in front of himself.

At the same time, he gripped the sword, incorporeal wings began to spread out from his back, indistinct golden feathers proliferated the four-metre wingspan.

Within an imperial aura permeating his being, with a flap of wings, he shot into the sky.

"Helical Rising from the East!" With a shout Astrallis charged towards his mother, Qi sword bared.

Looking towards her son, a slight smile spread across Jasmine's face, raising her hand she formed a white Qi barrier, the Way of Life laws developed the wall, reinforcing it further.

As soon as the barrier was fully developed, Astrallis' sword struck the wall. Multiple cracks spread throughout the barrier, forcing Astrallis to step back several steps, but it ultimately held firm, eventually reforming.

Finally, a smile spread across Jasmine's face, "Impressive. You managed to force me back while nearly destroying my barrier. Even though the Qi used was in the same realm as you, I permeated it with some slight insights from the Way of Life, the Way which I cultivate in. The power of your strike was close to the Foundational Realm."

What fascinated her even more, were the incorporeal golden wings behind Astrallis' back. Although she was interested in them, every person had their own secrets, and she was sure Astrallis would inform her about the wings if she so asked.

"That must have been the opportunity that the Astral God gave him when he was called back into his soul-space. He has managed to already comprehend it to such a state, utilising its velocity and forming it into a powerful sword strike." Inwardly thought Jasmine, nodding her head, her smile almost taking over her face.

"Good. Now go cultivate. You are only at the first stage of the Qi-Gathering Realm, multiple steps away from the Foundational Realm."

Nodding his head, Astrallis took his personal Astral Qi Gathering Array out from his spacial ring[1], Grandpa Doehring created this portable array for Astrallis so that he can gather more copious amounts of essence from the stars. One positive of Astrallis dantian is that the purity of the essence is negligible, as within Astrallis' dantian the white mini-replica of himself, will purify the vast essence intake and form it into Qi using the blackholes. Therefore, the portable array can gather as much Astral essence as possible from the surroundings, regardless of the purity.

Of course, this portable array is not as capable as the one within Grandpa Doehring's residence, but this compact array is efficient for the current realm of Astrallis.

Activating the array, Astrallis sank into meditation, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth and forming it into Qi. Each time the essence would fill up his dantian, the black holes would absorb it and then release it back into his dantian, into the much smaller quantity Qi. This process would continue repetitively till his entire dantian, was full of Qi.

When the dantian cannot be filled with anymore Qi, the Qi-Gathering cultivator will break through into the next stage.


Looking towards the elegant figure seated within the centre of the array, golden qi floating around him, Jasmine turned to the man now beside her.

"You can decimate thousands of cultivators, but you can't even raise a hand to your child. Leaving it to be poor me to do it," Gently chided Jasmine to her husband, Cestra.

"Well… umm… How can I hit something so perfect? You know I've never been able to hit any of our children," Stuttered Cestra.

"En, I know. That's why I'm here. I may be gentle and amiable to everyone around me, but only I am allowed to be hit our son," Said Jasmine with a commanding tone.

"Yes, yes, my love." Cestra nodded his head meekly, he may be the all inspiring Rising Sword, Patriarch of the Ethereal Grotto sect, but he definitely wasn't the one wearing the pants in this relationship.


This process of sparring and cultivation occurred throughout the month of travel towards Mt. Evanescent.

During these tedious days of torture, Astrallis advanced to the third stage of the Qi-Gathering realm under the pressure of assault from his mother.

The same situation, although not as painful, occurred to every child within the Elysian.

On the thirtieth day of travel, a sky-high mountain piercing into the heavens appeared within the sights of the children standing on the deck of the Elysian.