First Encounter


In the first hall of the temple, the girls were beginning to unravel from their euphoric experience. A tremendous change had occurred within these few hours, the destiny of all the girls had changed when they received this nirvanic experience.

Twenty unrivalled bodies of seduction, something innate to all Blood Felicity Religion's members, stood in all their glory on the shore of the blood ponds.

The girls stood there admiring their new naked bodies in front of mirrors they had materialised, all ecstatic at their new-found beauty.

Enyo stood there, admiring herself in the mirror, 'I am beautiful, I could very well place myself at the pinnacle of beauty alongside the Religion-Master. Well, with my two God bloodlines, it would be a sin if I looked otherwise.' She thought.

At her current height of six foot, as well as her incredibly well-endowed body, one could very well mistake her for a mature young lady. But, only by looking at her face would one understand that she is vastly younger than she looks.

'My body looks like I'm fifteen, but my face looks like I'm twelve, while my actual age is eight. It seems my Blood God bloodline has had the unintended side-effect of speeding up the maturing process.' She shook her head at the humour of the situation.

She inwardly inspected her body with her spiritual sense and nodded her head in delight, when she noticed the roots that covered her skeletal structure, as well as the reinforcement of her flesh.

"Sanguinary Felicity Body-Art: First Layer - Roots of Felicity. Complete." She whispered.

With a wave of her hand, a nine-meter-long spear formed in her hand, the spear was blood-red in colour, with scintillating flame, matching her hair, burning around it.

"War Immortal's Mantle," Enyo shouted a command.

At her command an ethereal golden light-armour formed around her, fitting seamlessly to her beautiful toned body, the armour shone with incandescent light.

"This is what I'm excited about." She shouted valiantly.

With a simple thrust, using only her body strength, she exerted a force of over thousand kilograms, space tearing along the path of the spear as a result of the power behind it.

An overwhelming pressure landed on the girls around her, they all turned to look at Enyo.

Enyo stood there like a valiant war asura, her beautiful tall body emanated an immense blood aura, while her raging spear stood firmly piercing towards the heavens. Enyo's battle-intent rose towards the sky.

At that moment many of the girls realised that Enyo truly lived up to her name as Saintess of the Ichor, she was in a league of her own. Her powerful image forever etched into their hearts.

"Let's go." Her commanding voice spread throughout the hall.

Not a single word was said in response; the girls silence indicating their acquiescence to Enyo as the rightful owner of a titled name, The Saintess of Ichor.

When a woman achieves merit of significant standing or has prodigious talent, the Religion will bestow a titled name upon her. Before this display of her strength, many sisters within the Religion doubted her prowess, but now they gladly accepted the fact.

Qi coalesced around the girls forming beautiful robes; they then moved onwards.


"This Enyo girl sure is something, the bloodline of two Gods. Her talent must be unparalleled." Jasmine remarked.

"In the past decade, each top Sect has birthed a remarkable genius, although not all of them can compare to Enyo, many of them are well above the talent of the past generations." Grandmother Anemone replied.

"But, there can only be one leader of the universe against the calamity. One Imperator." Grandmother Anemone whispered.


The girls, lead by Enyo, made their way through the exit of the hall and into the next phase of the trial.

"As Senior-Sister Han mentioned, we will be making our way through the Crystal Caverns during this phase of the trial. The Crystal Cavern is an incredibly wide cave filled with stalactites and stalagmites of different colours and sizes, at the centre of the Crystal Cavern is the Yin Yang Blood Pond. Our Sanguinary Felicity Tree's will be able to form their characteristics once we submerge within the pond. Currently, only our bodies are strengthened by the Body-Art. We are not able to manifest the tree outside of ourselves; the Yin Yang Blood Pond is instrumental for us to achieve this." Enyo reminded the girls in an imperial tone.

Soon movement could be seen ahead of the group; multiple three-metre long crystal scorpions came charging towards the group, they emanated the aura of peak Spirit-Convergence Demonic Beast.

"Blood God's Spear!" With a shout Enyo charged at the scorpions, her spear materialising in her hands amidst the charge.

Using only her physical strength, Enyo thrust her spear forwards, the veins in her arms protruding in the process, the spear pierced directly through the creature, shattering its crystalline skeleton, instantly killing it.

She then swung her spear and broadsided another scorpion sending it crashing into a wall, its body shattering.

The scorpions noticing the quick endings of their comrades hastily retreated.

Enyo without bothering to look behind herself moved forward, the group following. Over the next two days as the girls walked towards the centre of the Crystal Cavern they ran into various crystal beasts, some which met a quick end and other's where the girls fought difficult battles.

There was even a point where Enyo killed two crystal demonic beasts at the peak of the Sky-Realm while using her early stage Sky-Realm cultivation base in conjunction with her physical body strength; the prowess of the Sanguinary Felicity Body-Art was prevalent for all to see.


"Things have been too easy for Junior-Sister Enyo; even many peak Sky-Realm beasts won't stand a chance against her, maybe not even a World-Wandering Realm beast will be able to match her.

"Did you notice? The golden armour and blood spear that she uses are all formed from her God bloodlines. The golden armour is called 'War Immortal's Mantle', it is formed when she activates the War Immortal bloodline, while her Blood God's bloodline allows her to form any shape out of her blood."

"Obviously a spear is more fitting for a future War Immortal such as herself."

The discussion ran rampant about Enyo throughout the spectating Dome.

"Grandma, what would it take to make Enyo show her true capabilities?" Amelia asked as she sat next to Anemone.

Amelia's question aroused the curiosity of everyone within the hall.

"Someone of her kind." The Religion Master replied with a sly smile on her lips.

Her response left the hall silent, all pondering on the Religion Master's words.


"I feel that the beasts have become noticeably stronger over the past few hours, we must be close to the Yin Yang Blood Pond." Senior-Sister Han informed Enyo.

"I think so too; I feel the energy gathering just ahead of us. Weapons at the ready! From what intel we received, a mid-staged World-Wandering Realm Demonic Crystal Dragon lives around the Yin Yang Blood Pond." Enyo confirmed.

With confirmation from their leader, the group of girls began to squirm in excitement, as well as nervousness for the upcoming battle. Enyo had a stern expression; a World-Wandering Realm Demonic Crystal Dragon was no joke even to her.

The sisters spectating in the Dome had also ceased their merrymaking in preparation to watch the oncoming battle, although they were vastly superior in strength compared to their little junior-sisters, it was still enjoyable to see what the future generations would be capable of. Especially during such a time when prominent geniuses were born in mass, such as their new Saintess of the Ichor.

Soon a brilliant pond of blue and red appeared in their sights, but their eyes were drawn to something next to the pond. What caught their attention was the thirty meters long Crystal Dragon that lay upon the shore of the pond.

"Who did this?" One of the youngest girls in the group whimpered.

Enyo piercingly glared at the decapitated Crystal Dragon.

"It looks like it has been dead for a long time, but in actuality, it has only been dead for, at most two days, it also seems that its blood was completely sucked from its body." Enyo solemnly said.

The girls cautiously moved towards the corpse of the dragon, Enyo inspected the wounds of the dragon and said, "It seems as if the dragon was played with until its death, whatever found it enjoyed inflicting pain."

"There are multiple cuts all along its body, and it eventually ended with one strike to its neck."

"What is that?" Senior-Sister Han pointed towards a dark form situated at the top of a rocky cave overlooking the Yin Yang Blood Pond.

"Everyone back!" Enyo shouted.

The girls instantly responded and moved back around fifty paces away from the corpse of the dragon. In the process, they stared apprehensively at the gradually stirring form above the Yin Yang Blood Pond.

With a beat of the figure's wings, it shot forward, leaving a flaming path of emerald in its wake, and landed in front of the dragon corpse.

A tall humanoid creature, its body, shrouded in ethereal mist, spread its obsidian feathered wings reaching a wingspan of six meters.

The ethereal mist hovering around the creature slowly disappeared from the feet upwards, a breathtaking sight appeared in front of the girls.

A young teenager over six-feet tall, wearing only black trousers, stood before them. His aesthetic beauty was reaching the pinnacle. Defined abdominal muscles which rippled with strength moved in a union to the rest of his well-proportioned, muscular body.

His long black hair gently moved within the draft caused by his six-meter wings.

His beautiful ivory skin depicting the naturally formed seductive tattoos over his body, many red roses with black thorny stems ran up the left side of his body, alongside his neck, and ended with a few loose petals along his strong jaw-line.

His young but absurdly handsome face displayed an expression of amusement, while his deep magenta coloured eyes flashed with a hint of playfulness.

A deep husky chuckle spread throughout the cavern, "What do we have here?"
