Princess Eversnow


Astrallis, and the many people around him, all turned towards the commotion in the crowd. A group of elegant youths were trailing behind a tall veiled woman, a benevolent aura subconsciously emanated from her. She smiled and said a few words to a few people in the line that she passed.

"Princess Eversnow!" A shocked cry woke up the crowd, as everyone turned fervently to look at the white-robed woman.

Many of the men immediately emitted gazes of longing and appreciation; this quickly caught the attention of Astrallis.

"It seems these men are not just admiring this woman for her beauty, for their eyes are not that of lust, but also her deeds or personality," Astrallis mentally said to Bataar.

Bataar's eyes flashed with the light of comprehension, "No wonder! She has the Seven-Life Snow Lily innate constitution."

"The Seven-Life Snow Lily innate constitution is a rather rare heavenly gift, although it is not to the extent of your little friend Azalea's Eternal Blossom Body, it is still enough to the make the peak factions of the Central Realm vie for her like rabid beasts," the fluffy cat continued.

"Oh. Interesting… No wonder she emits such a benevolent but wintry aura." Astrallis nodded.

'These innate bodies are appearing manifold more than when I was young, is it a heaven-sent opportunity or is it something more…' Bataar inwardly contemplated.

The crowd animatedly discussed Princess Eversnow as she walked along the line.

"Even though she is a Princess she doesn't look down on commoners, nor does she make use of her noble status to jump the line, what an excellent disposition." A voice said beside Astrallis.

Astrallis and Bataar both shuddered in fright, wholly unprepared.

Their eyes quickly looked in disbelief towards the rotund figure beside them, the same thought simultaneously went through their minds, "How did he get near us? We didn't even notice him!"

A fatty taller than Astrallis stood beside the duo, he was dressed in a gaudy robe with a plethora of spacial rings on his fingers.

Astrallis even saw some symbols rotating in the fatties eyes for a fleeting moment.

"Brother, you looked like a man of many wonders, what do you think of Princess Eversnow?" The fatty asked as he turned to look

"Indeed. She is a woman hard to come by within this Realm," Astrallis replied, having returned to his aloof nature.

"Oh, why do you think that?" The fatty's small eyes became large as he stared inquisitively at the masked figure, with a cat on his shoulder, in front of him.

"Hoho, I feel my answer isn't necessary as you already know it," Astrallis stared mysteriously at the man next to him.

The fatty stuck his hand, a sly smile spread across his face, "The names Juju Binks,"

Astrallis shook Juju's hand, a smile of his own spread under the mask, "Astrallis, it's a pleasure to meet you Brother Juju."

The observing Bataar had his eyes roll back into his head, as he said in disbelief, "He actually found a fucking fatty."


Princess Eversnow moved gracefully, her aura calming people around her, the looks of infatuation was something she was quite used to so she paid no attention to it. She was the daughter of both the Emperor and the Empress. As a result, she had been in the limelight since her birth, this was only exemplified when she started to show her astounding talent; such scenes were second nature to her now.

A handsome man walked beside, his eyes also showing infatuation as he looked at her.

"Princess, congratulations on entering the World-Creation Realm, at the age of sixteen. With such talent, you could be compared to the talents of the Holy Lands, maybe even better," the handsome man flattered her, although there was much truth in his words.

"Thank you for your words, Duan Yan. I stumbled across some luck in my expedition." Princess Eversnow's mellifluous voice replied, although if one looked carefully, a hint of annoyance was prevalent in her brows.

Duan Yan was from Duan Clan, one of the three top clans of the Seven Dawns Imperial Kingdom, although he was not the pinnacle genius of his clan's generation, he was one of the most prominent. He was crossing the plains, close to the Imperial City, when he noticed the Princess and her retainers, so he took the chance to introduce himself and travel the remainder of the way with her.

Princess Eversnow was happy with the company, but after awhile she began to become displeased as she noticed he had ulterior motives. She was quite pleased to reach the Seven Dawn Imperial City and part ways from Duan Yan, and head to the Imperial Palace.

All of a sudden Princess Eversnow felt a gaze on her that was unlike the others.

She stopped and turned to look at the gaze, what met her gaze was a pair of beautiful magenta coloured-eyes that seemed to hold galaxies within them; only after a second did she bring herself back to reality.

Instead of the infatuated looks she received from the people around her, the man's eyes were calculative and aloof; she felt as if she was being assessed. As if all her mysteries were laid before her.

A stunned looked spread across her face, luckily it was covered by her veil. But an old woman, who had been silently walking behind her this entire time, noticed the change. Both the Princess and the old woman realised that they couldn't see the cultivation base of this masked man in the line, but they could tell one thing; he was younger than the princess. This was the reason for their stupefaction.

One's life-vitality always emanates from one's being. Therefore, one can not hide how old they are unless a secret technique is used to mask one's life-vitality. Astrallis felt it was unnecessary to hide his life-vitality, or one could say that the pride in his bones wouldn't allow him to do so.

Princess Eversnow immediately changed direction and moved towards the mysterious man, this sudden change instantly caught the crowds attention.

She arrived before the man magenta eyed man, all those next to him bowed deeply to the Princess greeting her. The only one who didn't move was the man, he just nonchalantly stared at the beauty in front of him.


Whispers began to spread around the crowd.

"Whose that man, how dare he not bow to the Princess?"

"Country-bumpkin, he must be stunned by her beauty,"

"I don't think so, his clothing is sublime. I haven't even seen such material and artisanship within the Imperial City; well maybe there is such clothing in the inner-sanctum, I've never been there.


Before the Princess managed to greet the man before her, a loud shout spread around the surroundings.

"How dare you not bow before the Princess?" Duan Yan's figure moved towards the man, his first struck out before him, his Qi emanated around him declaring his cultivation of minor-grade World-Coalescing Realm.

"No! Duan Yan!" Princess Eversnow's shouted in anger, but alas it was too late to stop Duan Yan.

As Duan Yan's strike came in the range of the man, the masked man's hand shot forward and gripped the oncoming fist.

Duan Yan was stopped dead in his tracks.

Shocked cries spread through the crowd, while a look of relief spread across the Princess' face, a light flickered in her eyes - she wanted to know the identity of the masked figure.

"What bodily strength! He didn't even use any Qi to prevent that strike." The old lady behind the Princess muttered.

Although the crowd was not sure how the man stopped Duan Yan's strike that didn't stop them from crying out in disbelief. They could all see that this man had the aura of a youth around him, he seemed to be even younger than Duan Yan, but he still managed to stop his fist. One also needs to keep in mind that the Duan family was the head family of the Lotus Creek Sect, their disciples were known kingdom over as being mighty figures. Although Duan Yan isn't the peak of what the sect has to offer for his age group, his might is still known within the Imperial City.

But such a figure's strike was stopped by a simple usage of physical strength, by someone even younger than himself, such a feat left everyone astounded.

Before the Princess was able to say anything, a crunching sound rang out, quickly followed by a mournful scream from Duan Yan.

The black-robed man, with roses upon the left flank of the robe, applied pressure to Duan Yan's hand breaking all of the bones in his hand, and at the same time severing the tendons.

"You dare strike me with this little bit of strength? What happens if I was just a commoner? Wouldn't I be lying on the floor dead?" The youth's deep husky voice penetrated the minds and souls of all around, a soothing feeling spread throughout their being; a few spectators even went into a daze after listening to the voice.

The old granny behind the Princess shuddered, as she thought, "He interlaced soul-energy within his voice. How did he do it?"
