The Royal Siblings


"Brother Astrallis, wait!" Princess Eversnow snapped out of her revelry and ran after the prideful figure.

Everyone took notice of Eversnow's words and made sure to remember it. A youth with a heaven-defying battle power that could trump multiple grades, the mysterious and incomprehensible 'Astrallis'.

While Astrallis was admiring the unique architecture of the Seven Dawns Imperial City, the Princess arrived behind him.

"Your family has designed a beautiful city," Astrallis said as he admired the dome-shaped buildings around him.

Princess Eversnow beamed a captivating smile, "Thank you; my ancestors would be quite happy if they heard such words from a person of your standing,"

"My standing?" Astrallis asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Please," Eversnow flashed a sly smile, "A genius of your standard, with such a heaven-defying capability surely must come from a large backing. Maybe a peak Tier-1 Kingdom?"

The thought that Astrallis maybe came from a Holy Land did appear in her mind, but she quickly retracted it. The Holy Lands were equivalent to a heavenly land. For Astrallis, who would most likely be a core-disciple, to appear before her was incomprehensible. There are a few hundred billion humans within the Astral Realm, while there are only around thirty thousand members of the three Holy Lands combined, it rationally doesn't make sense for a Holy Land member to appear.

"Peak Tier-1 Kingdom?" Astrallis narrowed his eyes in thought.

"You could say something like that," his deep voice laughed.

"My Seven Dawns Imperial Kingdom is only a middle Tier-1 Kingdom. But we are also one of the key centres of trade within the Astral Realm, even more than some peak Tier-1 Kingdoms. The only reason my kingdom isn't Tier-1 yet is that our power is not there yet," Eversnow proudly stated.

"Well, once you mature your innate constitution it will allow you to reign in the four-directions," said Astrallis mysteriously.

Eversnow became quiet as she stared at Astrallis, she wasn't sure how to approach the subject.

"I'm sure your kingdom has information on your physique, but not enough for it to be that useful. I can impart some knowledge to you in the coming weeks; I'm here for the Grand Auction anyway," Astrallis nonchalantly said.

The Princess threw her little paws into the air with an excited cheer, the old lady behind her had a cheerful expression as well.

"Your actions said one thing, while your eyes said another," Astrallis laughed looking at the actions of the beauty before him.

"Thank you so much Astrallis. There is a gathering two nights from now of talents from the Evoco region, the Seven Dawns Imperial Kingdom is within the Evoco Region," Eversnow said as she passed an invitation to Astrallis.

"Hmm," Astrallis received the invite with a surprised look.

"Don't pull that face," Eversnow laughed.

"The Grand Auction draws all the eminent figures of the Evoco Region to my family's Kingdom. That includes all the kingdoms, dynasties and sects of the region. So, of course, the talent of these superpowers would take the chance to interact and compare notes," Eversnow said in a lecturing tone.

Astrallis rolled his eyes watching the Princess' act.

"Considering that an Era of Geniuses is upon us, many of the talents showing are once in a million year geniuses for these organisations; I'm sure they will be worth your time," Eversnow through her hook-line-and-sinker.

Although Astrallis' curiosity was peaked, he feigned boredom.

"It's at my brother's abode, will I see you there?" Eversnow asked in a tone that wouldn't take no for an answer.

"I first need to settle down, I'll think after that," Astrallis said dismissively as he turned away.

The Princess scrunched her eyes hearing his response, and said, "I've heard that there will be plenty of good wines there."

Astrallis stopped dead in his tracks.

"Alright, I'll be there."


Astrallis currently sat inside a private room he rented within an unassuming inn. Bataar sat in front of him, drinking wine while they discussed their plans for the duration of their stay in the Seven Dawns Imperial City.

"Even though you have a relationship with the Princess, and it should only get stronger once you help her with her physique, I feel it is best you form other bonds. That way you will be able to enter the Grand Auction without much difficulty, although it would be fairly easy for you to get a seating. What you want is seating in a private room," Bataar, the emerald kitty, informed.

"Hmm, very well. I shall go to this gathering tonight; I should be able to form some connections there," Astrallis nodded sternly.

Bataar rolled his eyes in disdain, "You're only going for the alcohol."

Astrallis' neither denied or agreed with his claims, although you could see his face blush a little.

"Oh, god. Now that you've taken your mask off, if you blush like that tonight all the women in the room will fall at your feet," Bataar joked.

"I just won't take off my mask," Astrallis replied.

"That may not be the case; it's not easy to form a relationship if you hide your face. Someone will only establish a relationship with someone who they can somewhat trust," Bataar said with a frown on his face.

"Why are you frowning?"

"I'm thinking back to that fatty we saw earlier, that 'Juju Binks," Bataar said slowly.

"That's obviously not his name. Did you see his eyes?" Astrallis asked.

"I did, I'm currently not sure about that. But, I'm fairly certain about his bloodline. I don't want to make any conclusion as of yet, let's find him again first," Bataar looked deeply into Astrallis' eyes.

"Find him in this city? That's like finding a needle in a haystack…" Astrallis rolled his eyes.

"I have a feeling you'll see him again soon. He's an oddity, and where else does an oddity go?"

Astrallis eyes became bright, "An oddity goes where there are other oddities."


The Royal Court of the Seven Dawn Imperial Kingdom, at the centre of the city, consisted of grand structures built intermittently across sprawling mountain ranges and splendid lakes. Towards the centre of the mountain range, a white domed-palace lay situated on top of a beautiful mountain. There was a crystal clear lake, in front of the dome, with a plethora of pavillions floating atop the water.

Of these pavilions, the most resplendent of them all was at the centre. Currently, four people were sitting on couches drinking various teas and alcohols. One of these people was, in fact, Princess Eversnow.

Apart from Eversnow, there was one other woman amongst the four. She was elegant and beautiful, with a hint of maturity not yet apparent on Eversnow. If one looked carefully, they would see a scheming look flash across her eyes from time to time. This woman was Eversnow's sister, Princess Evergreen.

The two men were both elegant and refined, and both very handsome. They were in fact twins, one of them were known for their fixation to the Martial Way while other was known for their obsession with governance.

This already sorted out who was going to ascend the throne, so no inherent conflict that came with the ascension to the throne was prevalent in the Seven Dawns Imperial Kingdom. Unlike other kingdoms where the internecine struggle was frequent.

The one fixated on governance, the Crown Prince Algard, listened to Eversnow's tale with fascination. While Venzion, more widely known as the Martial Way Prince, also listened intently, but for different reasons than Algard.

"Interesting! I need to get to know this youth. If we have discussions on the Way my comprehensions may be able to advance rapidly," Venzion almost shouted, a fervent look in his eyes.

His reaction caused the siblings to smile in response; they wouldn't expect any less from the one known as the Martial Way Prince.

"Brother, all you ever look at is the martial prowess of a person. There's so much more to a person," Evergreen rolled her eyes.

"Martial prowess is at the root of all things," the straight-forward Venzion said forthrightly.

"Okay, enough, enough. For him to know little-sister Eversnow's Seven-Life Snow Lily innate constitution, his background must not be small. And if you look deeper into it, he wouldn't have mentioned it if he didn't want to form some kind of relationship with you," Algard said, while he extrapolated his ideas further.

"Indeed, brother. I also came to the same conclusion. Eversnow do you know where he is currently?" Evergreen dotingly asked her little sister.

"I gave him an invitation as well as a Royal Token so that we could communicate with him," Eversnow replied.

"Good, you're not just thinking with your fists anymore Eversnow. Starting to use that noggin of yours finally," Evergreen jumped on Eversnow as she started to tickle her.

"Oh, guys. Remember, don't expect this man to be respectful to you. He doesn't care much about our status," Eversnow didn't forget to inform them, in between giggles.

"I wouldn't expect any less from such a person. There is gold beneath their feet, they won't bow for anyone," Algard nodded in understanding.

A raging battle-intent began to emanate from Venzion causing the pavilion to shake.

"Venzion!" The other siblings shouted as they jumped on top of him, attempting to stop him from going crazy.

Only in the presence of each other would they act so carelessly and free, ignoring all royal formalities and proprieties.

"Eversnow, call him for us. Let's see if he'll come. Oh, yes. You said he likes wine? Tell him I have a special batch that just came in," Algard said.
