The Gathering


"This mountain range is impressive, it is akin to a monolithic sovereign protecting the four directions," Astrallis whimsically remarked as he gazed upon the range before him.

Astrallis stared into his flagon, and the last drop of wine within it and sighed, "The Crown Prince informed me that his ancestors fought a pyrrhic victory to seize this land, the battle left them empty… much like my flagon,"

"From what I can gather, this land also holds a colossal secret. For his ancestors wouldn't take such significant losses just to seize a picturesque mountain range," Bataar, sitting on the railing of the balcony, openly ruminated.

"The Crown-Prince was somewhat open about it, in a vague way. It was as if he subconsciously wasn't afraid of the secret being let out," Astrallis frowned in confusion.

"Astrallis, although you are exceedingly intelligent, even for a genius of your age. You still lack experience and maturity. Let's think of the reason why all these genius youths are coming to the Imperial City because let's be honest; a Grand Auction is not enough to convene all of them," Bataar said with a severe expression.

Astrallis seeing Bataar's face knew that Bataar was teaching him. Although Astrallis often played around with Bataar, he still holds great respect for him. Bataar was once a pinnacle being of the Universe, and if it weren't by his own decision, he wouldn't be in his current circumstances.

"Now, these youths convening at the Crown Prince's mansion most likely think they are here just to exchange pointers, but I can infer that it most probably isn't the case. The Seven Dawns Royal Court has advertised the Grand Auction extensively, informing the entire Evoco Region and even beyond. It seems as if they want everyone to be here for a reason," Bataar said pointedly to Astrallis.

"Why would that be the case?"

"An old ruin or perhaps an arcane realm. A place beyond the control of even the Astral God, the creator of this realm. A place which the Grand Way controls," Bataar said, a smile finally forming on his face.

"I see! So, they are most likely auctioning tokens to enter this arcane realm. Considering that all the top youths from around the region have come, it seems only people of a certain age can enter as well," Astrallis shouted, for the first time since entering the Imperial City, genuine excitement formed on his face.

"Good. That's my inference. Anyway, the gathering is tomorrow night. Have some fun, or cultivate. Up to you," Bataar said before he vanished into the Dharmic Sword on Astrallis back.

"Up to me." Astrallis gently tapped his hand on the balcony's railing.

"How do I have fun?"


A day passed quickly while Astrallis wandered the Royal Court causing a female epidemic.

Soon a rumour about a teenager with a godly appearance spread across the domain, causing a few arrogant male youths to become disdainful to this 'godly-figure'. How can he compare to them? The youth leaders of the Era of Geniuses. Looks can only get you so far; strength is the root of all.

While this storm was spreading across the domain, the unsuspecting Astrallis was trying to have 'fun'.

"Astrallis, did you wear your mask today?"

"Why should I Bataar? Everyone is so friendly to me when I have my mask off," Astrallis unabashedly said.

"Oh, come off it. Don't act all naïve to me, I know what's in that head of yours," Bataar gave a pensive look towards the boy before him.

"Alright. I feel confined within a mask," Astrallis said defeatedly.

"Well, I expected this. It doesn't matter anyway. You've been cultivating and practising your entire life. The only 'fun' you've ever had is when the girls at the Religion whisked you off to learn how an individual of your status should act," Bataar said, although he was a bit ashamed of himself for not doing anything about it.

"It's alright; I at least know how to dine and dance properly. The sun is starting to set; the gathering is soon to begin. I'll leave for the mansion,"

"You've wandered quite far; you're going to be a bit late,"

"It's alright, the solitary beauty of this mountain range gives me a feeling of serenity."


The sun had set by the time Astrallis came within sight of the Crown Prince's abode. The faintly lit pavilions upon the lake gave the party a dreamy and cosy feel. Astrallis could see figures walking to and fro between the buildings, and to his surprise, a stage had been placed in the middle of the pavilions. The pavilions were circularly arranged around the stage.

Slow mellifluous music spread throughout the area from a band performing on a pavilion adjacent to the stage. The music was set to a ¾ beat, while the first beat of the measure was strongly accented.

Currently, there were a few elegant figures dancing upon the stage. Their movements were fluid and regal, emitting a sense of nobility. The men lead their partners around the stage. Each couple was trying to out dance the other.

The dazzling dresses fluttered around the stage akin to blooming petals of a lotus, some brighter than others. While the men were akin to the stems, holding and providing support to the flourishing petal.

"A waltz, I wouldn't expect any less. There is no better affair when displaying one's mobility and control than dance," Astrallis faintly chuckled.

Astrallis moved across the lake, his feet gently touching the water, while he admired the decorative pavilions and the round aesthetic architecture unique to the Seven Dawns Imperial City.

Within the most charming of pavilions, a group of youths from the pinnacle factions of the Evoco Region sat with the Seven Dawns, imperial siblings. These youths were the leaders of their factions, so their status allowed them to sit in this pavilion. Their entourages were allowed access to the surrounding pavilions.

"Oh! Whose that?" A pretty girl, with blonde hair, sitting next to Eversnow asked when she saw Astrallis' figure.

The rest of the group surprised by her outburst turned to look at the arriving teen.

"Crown Prince Algard, someone dares to enter your abode in such a fashion and arrive so late. Who is this person?" A handsome man, with triangular eyes, asked inquisitively.

This man was the only son of the emperor of the Trinity Empire, who specialised in eye-techniques.

Frowns crossed the visages of the Imperial siblings; such a display showed this person held their family with no regard.

Soon those faces turned to happiness, especially Eversnow's.

Crown Prince Algard suddenly stood up; his actions immediately caught the attention of the surrounding people.

Their eyes began to blaze with interests; it seemed the Crown Prince was not pleased.

"Haha! Brother Astrallis, my siblings and I were wondering when you would come." Algard shouted with glee as he moved to welcome Astrallis.

Algard's actions immediately inundated the crowd. Who was this youth to get the Crown Prince to receive him? Even the peak empires didn't demand a personal welcome; all Crown Princes had their pride. It would take an arm and a leg for one Prince to receive another.

But before Algard managed to reach him, an elegant figure flashed in front of him.

"Brother Astrallis! I thought you weren't going to come in the end." Eversnow's sweet voice entered everyone's ears as she arrived before Astrallis.

Eversnow's actions frightened the men and women in the pavilion even more than the Crown Prince. They all knew that this daughter of the Emperor had ignored all the advances towards her tonight, and now she openly embraced a man. Who was this person?

"I was admiring the beautiful scenery of your mountains; it was if serenity is innate to them, my heart feels pure after strolling through them," Astrallis replied with his deep husky voice.

Shivers ran down the arms of the females, even a couple of men.

"With Brother Astrallis' experiences and vision, for you to say that about our grounds is a heartful complement," the Crown Prince replied genuinely.

"I see you have set up a dance-floor. I'd love to have a go soon. But, before that. Introduce me to your friends here." Astrallis warmly said, as he turned to the pavilion where the two came received him from.

The trio moved towards the pavilion, while Astrallis admired Eversnow's dress.

"The floral furnishings on your dress are beautiful, it matches your eyes brilliantly," Astrallis said to her.

Eversnow smiled from ear-to-ear.

"If only I could be compared to you. You can wear a loincloth, and you'd still be the best-looking thing in the room," Eversnow replied.

"Everyone, this is Astrallis. Many of you have asked who the 'godly-figure' is, and this is him," Venzion appeared next to them with a laugh, his face apparently looking forward to their reactions.

Venzion's words caused the women's face's perk up, and the same applied to those two men from before.

"Hello, everyone. Pleased to make an acquaintance. I'm not too familiar with this region, so please excuse me if I do not know your status," Astrallis cordially greeted.

Astrallis stood there awkwardly wondering if he'd done something wrong as there was no response from the group. Apart from his sect and the religion which he was comfortable around, this was the first time he'd gone to such an event and met so many new people. To say he wasn't nervous was a lie.

"Dummy. They're not responding because they're looking at your face," Eversnow said exasperatedly.

All the ladies and those two men stared at Astrallis in amazement.

"Ladies. Give up. Even I don't have a chance." Eversnow said.

Astrallis sat down on one of the couches that lined the perimeter of the pavilion, Eversnow sat next to him.

A few youths stared at Astrallis in suspicion; they felt a faint suppression emanating from him. A battle-intent subconsciously formed within them.

Astrallis began to rotate his buddha Qi around his body; a harmonious aura seeped out from his pores. The suffocating atmosphere of the pavilion quickly faded away.

"Everyone, I'm sorry I came late. I ran afoul of time when wandering the mountains, I meant no disrespect to you all by coming late," Astrallis flashed a smile.

Everyone began to feel pleased and secure within Astrallis presence, at the same time some youths became pensive.

"This youth is powerful. He's able to influence everyone's moods and emotions so easily. Although with his visage, he looks innocent, there's a calculative mind within," Hanzo, the Prince of the Trinity Empire inwardly thought.
