What's up with Jace?

Cami's POV

"So class, I know all of you were wondering why we're here at the gym. And I also know that we were supposed to learn about Health now since it's Friday, but I'll be making this subject, P.E for now. Thanks to Cami and Bryan! Because of them, you'll have a half day today right after you'll have your P.E subject. Don't worry about your other teachers in your other subjects, I already asked them. Camila and Bryan, thanks to you, I got a bonus from Sister Vanessa! So this is my 'thank you gift' for you guys" We all screamed because of Ma'am's good news.

"You can do whatever you want. Reggie, you are in charge of them. I'll be leaving now." As ma'am said that, the four immediately went to me while Reggie was at the bleachers writing the attendance.

"Wanna play basketball?" Aaron asked.

"Sure" I answered.

"Hey! Who wants to join us on a game of basketball? 5 on 5!" Troy shouted. Then Bryan, Gabriel, Amanda, Kyle, and Russell came closer to us.

As we were playing, I noticed my shoelaces were tangled, so I fixed it. I was about to stand up but then...

"Cami! Watch out!" I heard someone scream. And then, there I was, lying down on the ground because a basketball ball hit me.

"Ughhhhh," I said to myself and touched the part where the ball hit.

"Cami, are you okay?!" Ray asked.

"I'm fine! I'm used to it, remember it already happened before." I said and then Troy slapped me. "Ugh, Troy! It hurts!" I shouted at him

"'I'm fine'" Troy said sarcastically.

"It still hurts, but only a bit. I'm already used to it! I said and laughed at the memory when we were in the 6th Grade.

"I think you're already crazy, Cami!" Troy said.

"Dumbass, I'm not crazy. I just remembered what happened to me when we were in the 6th Grade.

"HAHAHAHAHA THE COIN!" They all laughed at what Aaron just said.

"Now who's crazy, hmm?" I said and then Reggie popped up out of nowhere.

"So.. what did I miss?" Reggie asked.

"Nothing," I said while laughing.

"You guys are unfair!" Reggie said and pouted. He seriously pouted HAHAHAHA.

"Reggie, look at your mouth! Stop pouting! You look like a girl HAHAHAHA!" We all laughed as Troy said that.

"What happened to Jace? He's very quiet right now." Reggie asked looking at Jace curiously. He was actually right, he's been quiet the whole time, he just laughs when we laugh and nothing else.

(A/N: ehehehehe if you read the last chapter, you'll probably know and on the next two chapters, you'll find out. Hehehehe)

"Oh, nothing. I'm just hungry." Jace said.

So we all went to the canteen and it was Troy's treat, so he bought 5 iced teas and 5 chips. We all thanked him and then I saw Bryan coming up to us.

"Cam, we're called to go to the principal's office," Bryan said.

"For what?" I asked.

"The competition, I guess." He said. I stood up and told the five.

We went to the principal's office, on our way there, we were really quiet

"So.. how's your head? Does it still hurt?" Bryan asked

"It's okay now.." I said and we went inside the office.