Fighting with Women

"Shao Jianyang. You are called Shao Jianyang. That's your name, right?"

Mo Wen smirked while walking towards Shao Jianyang.

Right now, Shao Jianyang's expression was very gloomy; he stared at Mo Wen bleakly. He lost! He actually lost!

"Hmph, consider yourself lucky this time. However, we are not over yet."

Shao Jianyang snorted; he turned around and was ready to return to the 3rd Battalion.

"Of course we are not done yet. Yet, you are leaving already? You haven't settled the bet," Mo Wen said dryly.

Shao Jianyang swung back violently, his dark gaze landing on Mo Wen.

"You really want me to do it?"

His face turned green, then pale. If he were to crawl between Mo Wen's legs in front of thousands of people, he could not be seen in public again. 

"Of course, you suggested the terms of the bet. How can it be if we do not follow your word?"