Shao Jianyang, the clown

In the base of the 4th Battalion, Chief Instructor Zhou Zhen and Instructor Zhang Lizheng looked at each other in astonishment. The third round of the competition was full of twists and turns. At first, they thought the 1st Battalion would win easily, but a dark horse, Wang Xiaofei appeared. Just when they thought the 4th Battalion was going to lose, Mo Wen had miraculously defeated Wang Xiaofei.

In the whole competition, other than the first round in which Mo Wen had performed normally, his performance in the rest of the two rounds were absolutely amazing.

Especially when he was combating Wang Xiaofei, the normal students might only think that it was interesting. However, those students in the competitions were those experts who had learnt martial arts. With their discerning abilities, they wouldn't miss the secret concealed in this competition.