The Secret of the Sacred Flame Insignia

Mo Wen started to shout happily at his fate. Qin Xiaoyou was simply his lucky star to have chanced upon a treasure trove by taking a random fall. This journey of the cave abode was a big chance for him that would definitely affect his life.

Just based on the three segments of the martial arts teachings, it helped him link up all that he had learnt and achieve a thorough understanding of each of them. It was simply perfect as they complemented one another.

The difficulty of training the Nine Yang Scripture and Nine Yin Scripture lay in the fact that they were pursuing the ultimate mastery of both the Yin and Yang.

Training the Nine Yang Scripture required one to endure the complete immersion into the Yang-Qi. Every training required the endurance of the burning pain that the Yang-Qi sets the body on. The test of the trainee's determinedness was very strict.