Ming Yang Ancient Needle

"Everything will be better in the future," Mo Wen said while consoling Qin Xiaoyou softly. He wasn't only trying to comfort Qin Xiaoyou, but also himself.

He took some time to look at the abrasion on Qin Xiaoyou. As she fell from the cliff, the friction from both sides of the cliff walls had caused huge scratches.

Although they were only superficial wounds and already clotted by now, they would still look dreadful in eyes of others.

Qin Xiaoyou was a very strong girl as she had not groaned in pain until now.

Mo Wen flipped up her ripped outer clothing, revealing the fair skin underneath it. There was a huge area of scratches and pools of blood.

He examined them and discovered that there were six parts of Qin Xiaoyou's body that were hurt during her fall.