A Face that Launched a Thousand Ships - Mo Qingge

Her figure was slender and graceful. Even at a glance, one would be amazed by her unadulterated elegance.


He took a step forward; excitement was written all over his face. For the first time, Mo Wen, who was usually calm, was excited.

But the girl didn't seem to hear him at all. She continued striding forward.

Mo Wen took a deep breath. The shock in his eyes slowly receded, but his gaze still remained fixed on the girl's silhouette.

They were way too alike! It was like a mirror image!

The girl that passed by Mo Wen just now was the spitting image of Mo Wen's sister from the other world, Mo Dong'er. Their faces, temperaments, figures… even their presences were alike.

Just now for a moment, he thought his sister had appeared in front of him. If wasn't for the fact that it was impossible for Mo Dong'er to appear on Earth, he would have surely mistaken the girl as Mo Dong'er.