Come to the office with me

"Enough said."

Qin Xiaoyou rolled her eyes at Wang Xiaofei while snorting lightly. Then, she started to page through her textbook before she returned to her revision for the day.

Wang Xiaofei felt bored, as she originally intended to listen to what Qin Xiaoyou and Mo Wen were talking about. She glanced at Mo Wen helplessly, and realized that he was basically expressionless – even his eyes were completely emotionless.

Doesn't he want to know what Qin Xiaoyou was going to tell him? Why is he so calm?

Wang Xiaofei pouted her lips and slammed her textbook onto the desk. She was totally helpless when dealing with Mo Wen and Qin Xiaoyou.

She had to acknowledge that Mo Wen was, indeed, excellent in terms of capabilities and temperament.