Brother, You Can’t have Walked Out of the Natural Forest

"He likely trained on very profound martial arts. At least, not any of the ones that we trained on. Moreover, his past is shrouded in secrecy, so I feel like he has a lot of secrets."

Dongfang Yi stroked his chin. He was getting more and more interested in Mo Wen. In the dormitory, there were only two people that he could not figure out. One was the transvestite and the other was Mo Wen.

"Who cares about that? Amongst the five of us, who doesn't have secrets?"

Ren Liusha was not in the least bit interested in whatever secrets Mo Wen had. Only Dongfang Yi had that interest and liked to check up on people when he had nothing else to do. If he could, he would even check back 18 generations of ancestors.