Go into the Dream Again

"You are her fiancé?"

The pupils of Wu Gang's eyes constricted, and his face became momentarily stern. "How did you find your way here?"

Somehow he found that this youngster in front of him looked familiar. He seemed to have seen him somewhere, but couldn't figure it out at the moment.

Although he had set Mo Wen up once, he was not too mindful of him. He would take any possible chance to set up any person who got close to Shen Jing, regardless of student or teacher status.

After setting up too many people, he could only remember a few of them.

"That's right. Aren't you looking for me? I am here now."

Mo Wen curled his lips and walked towards Wu Gang mischievously. Now, he finally understood why a Dormitory Administrator, whom he didn't know and didn't have grudges with, would set him up. The reason for everything was Shen Jing.