The Medicine Manor

Under the night sky, unbeknown to them, a shadowy figure appeared on the mountain top. The person was draped in a dark, black cloak. His entire person was under the cloak, as though he was afraid of being seen by people.

"Who are you?" Xu Qianqian looked at the shadowy figure. She was scared to the point she let out a cry. Her voice was shaking slightly as she asked.

"Who am I?" A hoarse voice came from the shadowy figure, "He he, do you really not know who I am?"

As he said this, he slowly removed his hood, revealing a face that was as old and ugly as deadwood. A pair of cold, crafty eyes silently looked at Xu Qianqian on the mountaintop.

"You…" Xu Qianqian's eyes widened. Under the moonlight, the person's appearance was a bit blurry, but she managed to recognise him in an instant. Who else could it be but the miracle doctor that had recommended that she come to the Changbai Mountains to look for medicinal herbs.

"Why are you here?"