The Head of the Changtian Sect

"You cruel woman. I'll cut you into a thousand pieces, grind your bones, and scatter your ashes." 

The elder dressed in green trembled as he struggled to get up. Although he was missing an arm and a leg, with his cultivation he could still stand up. However, standing on one leg was quite funny. It was as though he was mimicking a flamingo.

His voice was hoarse, as though something was stuck in his throat, giving off an unpleasant grinding sound.

Limping, he slowly approached Demoness Gong. Although his face was gone and he had no expression, anyone could tell the savagery in his eyes, as though he could not wait to eat the demoness' flesh and drink her blood. 

He was a dignified Embryonic Breathing realm ancient martial arts practitioner. He had almost died in her hands. Although he was still breathing, he had been half-crippled. He wouldn't say anything about further improvement; maintaining his cultivation would be considered a blessing.