What Relationship?

A high decibel shriek spread throughout the square, drawing the attention of the surrounding people who frantically turned their heads towards the source of the sound.

Mo Wen was walking with Qin Xiaoyou in the square. The sudden shriek made him jump in fright.

Who is this? They must be crazy!

Mo Wen looked incredulously at the source of the sound. He did not know why someone would call him out, and calling him so frighteningly....what was going on?

Qin Xiaoyou was stunned; her gaze shifted. Who was calling Mo Wen? It seemed to be a woman.

When Mo Wen saw the person, the corner of his mouth twitched as he finally understood why…

He never imagined he would meet Xu Qianqian here, it was practically…

After screaming loudly, Xu Qianqian managed to calm down. Seeing that all around were people looking at her, her face turned red. She had forgotten herself in the moment, unable to control the fury in her heart.