Shangguan Qingyou

After Mo Qingtian's explanation, Mo Wen finally understood. He had a full understanding of the mutual relationship between the Executors in the Huatian Palace.

The Huatian Palace and the Executors of the four Palace Halls under it had a relationship equivalent to hiring. Executors would complete missions designated by the Huatian Palace, then based on the difficulty of the mission, they would be awarded the corresponding amount of Contribution Credits.

Contribution Credits were equivalent to the outside world's Renminbi. It could be used in the Huatian Palace to purchase items, replacing the role of currency.

Of course, the items purchased in the Huatian Palace weren't for daily use. Instead, they were items that were useful for an ancient martial art practitioner, such as high level practice techniques, high level martial arts, incredible weapons, pills to increase cultivation, treasures that supported practice…