Lu Clan Manor

At the school's entrance, a black Audi A6 slowly came to a stop in front of Mo Wen. Wang Biao's tall, burly body came out of the car and walked respectfully toward him.

"Young Master Mo, are we going over now?"

Wang Biao was unsure of Mo Wen's intentions. The Lu Clan had invited Mo Wen over to "discuss" the compensation. It was a trap disguised as a banquet, and it was highly possible that he wouldn't come back.

Wang Biao didn't think that Mo Wen would not have considered this. Surely he would be prepared. If he really hadn't thought about it, he was an idiot.

However, Mo Wen was all alone. He didn't seem like someone who was prepared. Was it possible that he planned to attend the banquet alone?

"Let's go," Mo Wen said plainly, bending over to get into the car. Inside the car there was only a driver wearing a professional black suit and a serious expression. He stared at the road ahead without a trace of negligence.