Strip Off Your Clothes and Throw You Out on the Street

"You have good eyes. However, this dog couple is done for today. Forget apologizing. It would be no use, even if they knelt down and begged."

Qin Fangshu looked at the brat who had emerged from nowhere and knew her identity. The brat's face was pale, and he had asked the dog couple to apologize. Her expression mellowed quite a bit. The face that she had lost had been recovered somewhat.

However, that did not mean that she would let this dog couple go. He had insulted her by calling her a crazy b*tch in public. From the time she was young until now, she had never encountered anyone who dared to be so impudent with her.

"So you are that Fourth young mistress from the Qin clan that got knocked up by a man before marriage and caused the Wang clan to call off the wedding. I've heard so much about you."

The corner of Mo Wen's mouth curled. He walked forward and raised his eyebrows as he gave Qin Fangshu a playful look.