Intentionless Dagger

"Don't kill me. Someone save me!"

Chen Zi panicked. She could not help but scream out loud. This person really dared to kill her in the challenge ring. He could do anything.

What grudge did he have with her? She just scolded him with a few words! He was so quick to kill her. He was so aggressive.

Chen Zi could not stay calm anymore. Her entire being stood frozen to the spot, looking at the fast and furious, constantly oncoming sword Qi. For a moment, she was stunned, her mind going blank. She stared blankly at the sword Qi that was about to take her little life.

The Tai Yin Sword Qi came wave after wave, like a wave upon the sea. It surged forward, slowly forcing its way towards Chen Zi.

"I'll take you on."