An Unexpected Last Battle

In the final blow that determined the victor, although Pei Fengwu did not know how Mo Wen did it, that level of attack was enough to threaten the life of a beginning stage Embryonic Breathing realm ancient martial art practitioner. An ordinary beginning stage Embryonic Breathing realm ancient martial art practitioner would not be able to take advantage of him.

In the challenge ring, after Mo Wen defeated Invisible Sabre Demon, he did not immediately get out of the challenge ring. Instead, he chose to continue battling.

There was still the tenth match. If he could complete the tenth match, his reward of Contribution Credits would double. Now it was 64,000. If he could win the tenth match, it would be a reward of a 128,000 Contribution Credits.

For Mo Wen, this was a huge sum. After all, he had previously only accumulated 3,000 Contribution Credits.