Kill the Enemy Valiantly

Long ago, when Mo Wen's cultivation was only in the intermediate stage of the Qi Nucleation realm, he was already almost matchless. Now that his cultivation had broken through to the later stage of the Qi Nucleation realm, he was only a hair's breath away from the acme stage. In terms of the depth of Inner Qi, even if it was not as great as the beginning stage of the Embryonic Breathing realm, there wasn't too much of a difference.

As such, Jiang Youxi, who only had the cultivation in the acme of Qi Nucleation realm, could be no match for Mo Wen.


Jiang Youxi's face turned pale, and with a puffing sound, he vomited a mouthful of blood. He struggled to get up from the floor, his eyes looking at Mo Wen in disbelief and his facial expression stiffening.

"What exactly is your cultivation?"