Medicine Sage’s Impartation

Mo Wen was not completely ignorant about alchemy. He knew at least a little about it. After following his alchemy master in the Divine Sect Pill for a few years, he dared to say that the alchemy techniques of an average immortal cultivator would not be able to match up to his.

Yet now, he had experienced failure after failure. He had no other plans by this time, and everything had failed. It was clearly a very simple alchemy art with a simple and clear process, so why was he continuously failing? An uncomprehending look flashed in Mo Wen's eyes. He stopped practicing his alchemy techniques and stopped to think for a bit.

Who knew that the moment Mo Wen stopped, the old man in white robes would continue to light the fire to the stove? He was like a robot as he continued to concoct the pills repeatedly and expressionlessly.