Longevity and an Alien Appearance

The fact remained that very few people were able to recognize the Sacred Flame Insignia today. This was a pity, as those seven sacred flames represented thousands of years' worth of the strongest divine items in the Ming Clan!

Demoness Gong was actually not all that surprised by its appearance. This was because she had long guessed that Mo Wen had attained the inheritance of the Ming Clan. Hence, it was reasonable that the Sacred Flame Insignia would make an appearance again.

However, when she saw those seven sacred flames, there was an unspeakable solemness within her. Those treasures had been passed down through the Ming Clan for thousands of years. There had been no news of it for hundreds of years, but it had finally been given the chance to display its brilliance once again!

Jun Wulei could barely believe his eyes. He was astounded that such a legendary and sacred item had actually made an appearance! It simply felt too surreal.