The Sword Intent Painting

Mo Wen was a half-baked immortal cultivator, but he had actually obtained a Calamity Substitute Talisman. One could imagine the ecstasy he felt inside. This spell talisman was rumored to be able to substitute a person who encountered danger. Those who were struck down could be resurrected. It contained the mysterious power of the Law.

In his Immortal Cultivation world, let alone on Earth, it was a most valuable treasure. It was rumored that only ancient immortals could concoct such a divine item. It was a true treasure of the immortals.

Aside from the spell talismans, the jade box had a few bottles with pills stored inside. However, due to the passage of time, the pills inside had all decayed. Even if they used to be worth a fortune and were rare treasures, now they were but a pile of useless mud.