Cyan Spiritual Pill

Mo Wen sat on the cattail hassock in the dim secret chamber. A small red cauldron furnace floated beside him, revolving slowly. There was a mass of golden flame surrounding the Flame Divine Furnace, causing the small furnace to be particularly bright.

Those who were meticulous would discover that the golden flame was wrapped with a layer of invisible flame on the outside. That flame was difficult to see with the naked eye. Its existence could only be discovered through the distorted space in its surroundings.

That invisible flame was not an ordinary flame but the flame of Spiritless Clean Fire. Mo Wen didn't exactly know about this thing. He only knew that the Spiritless Clean Fire was one of the functions of the Flame Divine Furnace that was able to increase the success rate of concocting pills, or rather, it would increase the effect of a concocted pill.