Pureblood Vampire

A shocked look flashed in Huo Changxing's eyes. His injuries were different from normal internal injuries, and yet this youth could actually tell. How did he do it? He had believed that in Hua Xia's ancient martial arts world, by right, no one should be able to detect the signs.

"Your injuries are indeed a bit strange, but in the body, no matter what hidden danger there is, the concept is still the same. For people of medicine who dedicate their efforts to exploring the mysteries of the human body, not being able to detect this is just because their practice is not up to par," Mo Wen said as he explained, seemingly noticing Huo Changxing's doubt. The injuries in Huo Changxing's body were indeed a bit strange, different from normal internal injuries. Or it should be said, his body had not received damage from external forces, instead receiving some form of limitation, causing the body to develop an illness. It was fundamentally the same concept as falling sick.