Ten Finest Talents Competition

"I actually lost the instinctive reaction. How could that be possible!? Exactly who has plundered the Sacred Embryo Incarnation!?" That secret shadow's face turned gloomy as a tinge of surprise flashed in his eyes. He was chasing after a target but lost his direction momentarily and didn't know how to continue from there.

"Sooner or later, I will capture you." The secret shadow was so angry that he struck a palm into the air, and a crimson light flashed. Instantly, the wind began to blow while the clouds rolled, and a big hole was smacked through a cloud.

This person was none other than the man in the black robe in the mysterious ancient castle. After his countenance changed constantly for a while, the man in the black robe gnashed his teeth before turning around to return to where he came from. He didn't continue tracking.