Fighting to Make “Friends”

Qin Xiaoyou was a talent of the Huo Clan. However, if she married into the Bi Clan, she would then become a member of that clan. In the future, it was hard to say, but she may even be a master in the Bi Clan. Bi Kuanhai's eyes were shining, and he was increasingly tempted as he looked on.

"Err, Grandfather, I don't even know that girl," Bi Fengdi said a little awkwardly. His pale and fair face had flushed red, as if he were very shy. The brothers of the Bi Clan were all amazed to see Bi Fengdi's look. Our elder brother actually has such a side to him! It was a very rare sight to see. Could it be that he had already taken a liking to that young girl from the Huo Clan?