Amazingly Beautiful

In the Bi Clan's parliament, Bi Kuanhai's expression hardened immediately. Just a moment ago, he had been nodding his head and feeling very satisfied.

His sudden mood shift was the result of the Bi Clan's pride and joy, the top young talent of the capital, being defeated by a young lady! The people of the Bi Clan could not believe their eyes, and their gazes were all filled with disbelief.

No one understood how Bi Fengdi could have lost! The result of the battle had disoriented everyone, and throughout the huge square, everything fell silent in an instant.

However, that only lasted a few seconds, as the crowd then became engaged in heated discussions...

"She actually defeated Bi Fengdi. That young girl is so powerful!"

"How can this be? Bi Fengdi is an ancient martial art practitioner with the Qi Nucleation realm. They are a whole realm apart. By right, she should not be able to overtake him like that."