Women Are as Good as Men

Cai Yan fished out a small purple mirror from her body with one hand, while her other hand held a piece of the spiritual stone. She then spat a mouthful of blood onto the mirror.

Suddenly, that delicate purple mirror gave out a streak of spectacular purple light which swept across to directly block the man in the black robe from pouncing towards them. After that, the purple light hit onto the side of a wall.

As it made contact, surrounding space suddenly gave out a weird distortion, like something had been shattered. With a cracking sound, the lights in the karst cave blacked out. The whole environment then quickly returned to its peaceful original state.

It appeared that the delicate small purple mirror was very mystical and actually had the special function of eliminating the stratagem technique! With this mirror, the normal stratagem technique wouldn't be able to trap them!