
A terrifying soul wave directly clashed against Xu Zhong's mind, causing his body that had been flying swiftly to once again stop.

Mo Wen stepped in the air, and in a few paces, caught up with Xu Zhong. He slashed his sword downwards. His sword Qi was imposing.

Xu Zhong cursed inside. He could not wait to fight Mo Wen to the death. Just now, he was clearly already very cautious, preserving his primordial soul and preventing Mo Wen from once again releasing a soul attack. But he still could not block that frightening soul power's onslaught.

This was infuriating. It was as though he obviously knew someone was going to do him harm, but he just could not evade it. Also, the person that was harming him was a person whose cultivation was beneath him.

Rip! Xu Zhong could not evade the blow in time. With a slash of the sword Qi, another one of his arms snapped off and dropped to the ground.