Dislike of Killing Living Things

Luo Shan was truly afraid. Mo Wen was too powerful and his vicious aura could not even be understood. The fact that he used a Soul attack could be overlooked, and so could the fact that the Soul power was something that only an ancient martial art practitioner with the peak of the Golden Elixir realm could execute. However, he could actually execute such a terrifying fatal attack. Based on the power of it, it was already akin to all the power in a Golden Elixir realm ancient martial art practitioner.

Now he was faced with such a peculiar person, Luo Shan could finally experience what life-threatening meant. Earlier, when Mo Wen had mentioned Xu Zhong dying at his hands, Luo Shan had not believed him. However, he now could see it was more than possible for Xu Zhong to die at his hands. If it was not the case, how could the youth have appeared here without Xu Zhong chasing behind, especially now that so much time had passed?