Killing Sect Elders

Mo Wen's Soul attack had interrupted that Sacred Flame Sect Elder's control over the flying dagger spiritual weapon. Mo Wen had then used another round of Soul attack to take control of the weapon. Hence, he had easily seized the flying dagger spiritual weapon which was now in his possession.

"You… What did you do to me just now?" The Sacred Flame Sect Elder whose head was planted into the ground had a furious expression as he looked at Mo Wen. He did not understand what had just happened. The sudden clap of thunder in his head had almost caused him to faint.

Not everyone was experienced and knowledgeable enough to have heard of the Soul attack. Xu Zhong had exceptional talent, which had made his soul different from the souls of others from a young age. Therefore, he had been able to recognize Mo Wen's Soul attack. Luo Shan's personality was also unusual and he liked to analyze peculiar things. Therefore he had also known of the Soul attack.