Five Consecutive Kills

Mo Wen and Xia Kunqian flew in a southwesterly direction. Their aim was to kill the Golden Elixir realm ancient martial art practitioners in the Snow Storm Stratagem. Those Sacred Flame Sect Elders that had ended up alone were naturally their targets.

Wu Jian was weaving through the Snow Storm Stratagem very gloomily. For half a month, Sacred Flame Sect and Intentionless Sect had been in consecutive battles. Wu Jian actually abhorred the Snow Storm Stratagem. It was surprising that the small Intentionless Sect had such a powerful stratagem that the much larger Sacred Flame Sect did not possess.

Every time they attacked Intentionless Sect, Wu Jian would lose his way in the Snow Storm Stratagem. For a long time, he would not even be able to ascertain his direction. Then, out of nowhere, people from Intentionless Sect would appear and shamelessly launch a joint attack against him.