Great Earth Black Bear

"Don't look at me. You even snatched the Green Primordial Mirror. What more do you want?" Jin Ying said indifferently as she cast Mo Wen a side glance.

Mo Wen had taken the Green Primordial Mirror from her hands. Now that the Weapon Forging Sect was looking for trouble, he wanted her to risk her life and fight them to the death?

"Don't forget the conditions you have with us," Mo Wen said plainly.

"Don't worry. If we encounter a monstrous beast, I will certainly spare no effort. But your personal grudges with other sects have nothing to do with me," Jin Ying said expressionlessly.

"Be quiet, finding the treasure is more important." Yin Banshuang frowned as she once again led the team flying down into the abyss.

The abyss appeared very deep, so deep that they almost could not see the bottom. However, that was an illusion. In reality, the abyss was not deep. The unique environment of the surroundings created an optical illusion to make it appear so.