Inferno Star Hall

Yin Banshuang and Jin Ying glanced at each other, realizing that neither of them understood what had just happened. Why had Mo Wen been taken away by a ray of light while they were both fine?

"What was that crimson gold tail feather in his arms?" Yin Banshuang's willow-like eyebrows arched in confusion.

What was that thing? What connection did a tail feather have with that mysterious hall and why was Mo Wen taken away? The two were puzzled.

"It must be some treasure. Hurmph, I already said that he was keeping a secret from us."

Jin Ying narrowed her eyes. She did not care if Mo Wen lived or died. She was just very interested in his secrets. The vital Qi cloud's disappearance had been strange. What was even stranger was that the ruins of those puppet monsters had all disappeared.