An Unexpected Appearance

"Since there is a reaction from the Sound Resonating Talisman, there can generally only be two possibilities. One of them is that Chen Wuhui and his gang of people met with danger along the way. The other possibility is that they actually found the treasure."

As he looked at the Sound Resonating Talisman that was shining continuously in mid-air, Mo Wen immediately knew that Chen Wuhui and the rest must have made some discovery.

Earlier on, Intentionless Sect and so many other sects had gone down the abyss in pursuit of the treasure of Luofeng Sect. They might not be able to find the treasures of Luofeng Sect. However, at the depths of the abyss, there was a deserted land which was bound to contain endless treasures. The appearance of any treasure at all would likely incite a fight.

Mo Wen looked up higher to where the Sound Resonating Talisman was. The Sound Resonating Talisman immediately made a buzzing noise before flying fiercely towards him.