Prized Treasure

As well as Jiang Jingtao, every single other ancient martial art practitioner was looking for the spiritual stone storeroom.

Mo Wen crossed his arms behind his back and simply smiled without a word. Nobody had expected that he would possess a storage ring. Long before anyone else had come looking, he had already taken all of the spiritual stones. After all, the storage ring was something that was difficult for even an Immortal Cultivator to obtain. It was a rare item for them, and it was even rare for an ancient martial art practitioner to possess one. Hence, nobody had expected that Mo Wen would have such an item.

The entire group of ancient martial art practitioners felt very perplexed. Everything but the spiritual stone storeroom was there Logically speaking, spiritual stones were something that had to be present. Luofeng Sect had been so strong 600 years ago. Hence, it was impossible for them to not even have a single spiritual stone.